Sunday, June 15, 2014

Birthdays and Toddlers

So I have been so insanely busy these past two weeks and apologize for not posting last week. So my internship has been very educational, I am learning so much more than I ever could in my classes. I have also gained a lot of confidence in my self as I have had to learn so much over these past two weeks and I honestly feel like I have the hang of things. Learning how to use the software and keep up with the  needs of clients has been exhilarating. My work is starting to feel like family, they brought me a balloon and a beautiful chocolate cake on Thursday! (They didn't know it was my birthday on Wednesday)

I don't work on Friday's and this week I got to spend it with my favorite four year old! Leslie and I had a swim date over at Caitlyn Walkers house with some of the ladies and their kids from the ward! I borrowed Leslie for the afternoon since her little sister wasn't feeling so good. We had so much fun! It was the first time I have been in a pool this summer, and let me tell you it felt so good!!! And I only suffered minimal sunburns on my shoulders and back...I applied sunscreen twice and still I got burned #whitegirlproblems

Birthday Bash! So Tyler is amazing and got me a camera for my birthday :) he is spectacular and I loved trying it out this week! We both had to work on Wednesday so it was a bit different than what I am used to haha but we had a blast going to Tucano's and the Mall (Yes they have a Tucano's here and it is FABULOUS!) We had a little party on Friday night which was SOOOOO much fun! We have made some AMAZING friends here in Houston and are truly blessed to have them in our lives! Here are a few pictures from the party!

We love our Leslie and Emma as you can tell they were the hit of the party and made everyone feel at home by playing with everyone and just being so adorable! We had so much fun and we have a TON of left over cake and ice cream! So all in all it was a fantastic week filled with lots of love and laughs! We love our Houston Ward Family and are starting to dread the day we will have to leave them :(

Till next week :)
Emily and Tyler

Monday, June 2, 2014

Internships and Thunderstorms

So last week was WET and LOUD! I mean pouring rain out of nowhere everyday kind of wet and booming thunder that set off car alarms kind of loud. I thought it was summer time...but apparently this is summer in Houston? Didn't see that one coming. Anyways we survived with only minor hyperventilating and some sleepless nights. Don't worry though I calmed Tyler down and he eventually stopped crying...just kidding it was me that was freaked out. In my defense we have been watching WWII documentaries (Band of Brothers and the Pacific) and the thunder sounds a lot like bombs. Also thunder doesn't necessarily accompany rain, so it really catches you off guard and well my first reaction is always to duck because of flying shrapnel. I might have some PTSD...soooo on another note we have had lots of indoor cuddling time this week which was super fun and it encouraged me to get new pillows which I am proud to say I found at TJ Maxx! My mom would be proud of my abilities to find things discounted ;) Love ya mom!

Okay so this weekend was stake conference and it was a little hard on us because we couldn't make it to any sessions on Saturday because we had a dinner with the Judge (Tyler's judge). We did however have a great time at dinner and were very impressed with the musical talents of Edie, the Judge's five year old granddaughter. She belted out every word to Let it Go, needless to say I made a new friend! We loved getting to see everyone out of "work mode."

So this week I started my internship at the West Houston Counseling Center. Tyler took me shopping for "work clothes" over the weekend at the Katy Mills Outlet Mall (we have been so fortunate to live so close to outlet malls both in Arizona as well as here in Texas). We had a fun night and a work out (that mall is HUGE) as we got some much needed shopping done :) Tyler is the best at shopping, he seriously likes it more than me! Little fun fact, Tyler had a Banana Republic card before we were even dating! He is the perfect husband! He really does spoil me more than he should ;)

So my internship looks like it is going to be pretty relax for this month at least. I am just working 9 to 2 right now and will be mostly doing office work. I am a bit worried for July because the head office lady is going out of town all month so I will be manning the fort all alone. But that is why I am learning from her all June. I am just so glad to be almost over with my classes and have my degree. I feel like I have been in school for forever and well it has been 18 years since kindergarten started, so pretty close! I am excited to learn from a great bunch of ladies who happen to all be mothers as well. They all work part time so they can spend time with their children which is one thing that really attracted me to this field in the first place. I want to be able to have my degree and have the option of working if I need to for my family but still be flexible with my hours. So this is a great fit for me.

Well I will be much busier now than I have been the last few weeks so I will keep ya posted on how I cope managing my classes with house work and my internship. Hopefully there aren't too many meltdowns...I must say I will miss watching Emma and Leslie so much. They really are the sweetest girls and have made me and Tyler EXTREMELY eager to be parents.

Missionary Moment- Okay so I wanted to start having a missionary moment so here  are mine from last week. We were able to have the missionaries over and teach an investigator about the importance of the Prophet. It was so great, I likened it to being in the army and how we listen to our leaders to know where to go and what to do because they can see the Germans coming for us (again those WWII movies). Our investigator really liked that analogy and he was very receptive. He also went to stake conference with us on Sunday, which was a neat experience! Oh I also went out with the missionaries on Friday but I think I am bad luck...we struck out at all three appointments :(

I will keep ya'll posted! Till next week,
Emily and Tyler